From Sketches to Spectacle: Enhancing Whiteboard Animation with 3D Animation Services

Over the last decade, the popularity of whiteboard video animations has increased, especially among businesses. Today, businesses capitalize on these videos to promote their products and services. Moreover, they also partner with 3D animation services that specialize in explainer video production to create these videos. In this post, we shall talk about how such services enhance whiteboard animation. Before jumping to our topic, we shall talk about the following:
- What Is Whiteboard Animation?
- When Should You Invest in Whiteboard Video Animations?
What Is Whiteboard Animation?
Whiteboard animation entails drawing and hand-creating still images to illustrate what the voice-over says. Today, it has become a popular style of animation, as it undeniably fascinates viewers.
Furthermore, animated video production services have the right expertise to produce popular whiteboard video animations for individuals and businesses. We have already mentioned that businesses also partner with 3D animation services to produce high-quality whiteboard explainers.
When Should You Invest in Whiteboard Video Animations?
You may think about creating whiteboard video animation but face confusion about whether to create it or not. Well, you can create such an explainer video in certain scenarios. We have also mentioned below situations when whiteboard explainers will work perfectly for you:
- When you want to convey complex ideas simply and elegantly.
- If you want to explain ideas through written words, accompanied by a sound and voice-over.
- If you want to create an explainer video of more than 90 seconds to convey your message effectively.
How Can 3D Animation Services Enhance Whiteboard Animation?
Traditionally, whiteboard explainers employ 2D illustrations but animation services that specialize in 3D can also produce them in 3D. The production of whiteboard video animations in 3D can also enhance their quality in various ways. We have talked about them below:
Inclusion of Depth and Dimension
The production of whiteboard video animations in 3D will add depth and dimension to their whiteboard elements. It will make animations look more realistic and fascinating. In particular, it can prove beneficial for the depiction of products and complex ideas.
Immersive and Cinematic Experiences
Animation in 3D allows for dynamic camera movement, and the same holds for 3D whiteboard animations. Producing animated whiteboard videos in 3D can create a more immersive and cinematic experience for users. Thanks to the dynamic camera movement that 3D animation allows for! Specifically, it can prove handy for highlighting certain elements or transitions in whiteboard videos animated in 3D.
Unique Look
Another way 3D animation services can enhance whiteboard video animations is in terms of their looks. Put differently, it will make whiteboard explainers look unique and modern, setting them apart from traditional whiteboard videos.
Based on what we have said above, you can comprehend how 3D animation services can enhance whiteboard animation. Next, we shall talk about how these services may produce whiteboard videos with effects like 3D.
How May 3D Animation Services Produce Whiteboard Videos with 3D-Like Effects?
3D animation services may produce whiteboard animation with 3D-like effects in various ways. We have talked about them below:
Deployment of 2.5D Animation
Employing 2.5D animation, 3D animation services may produce whiteboard videos with 3D-like effects. Besides, some software allows for the addition of depth via lighting effects, shadows, etc., in videos. So, experts may produce whiteboard animation with a pseudo-3D feel via this easy-to-implement technique.
Creation of 3D Environments
Animation experts may create a 3D scene or environment resembling a whiteboard and animated elements within that environment. Besides, it allows for more freedom in terms of camera movement and manipulation of objects, without the classic hand-drawn charm. It is the flexibility that this method allows, which makes it handy for the production of 3D whiteboard video animation.
Exploitation of Cel Shading
Cel shading is a rendering technique that mimics flat colours and outlines that 2D animation entails. It can give your 3D scene a whiteboard aesthetic. So, experts may exploit cel shading to produce whiteboard animation with 3D-like effects.
Based on the expertise of animation experts, they may deploy the aforementioned methods to produce whiteboard videos with 3D-like effects. Moreover, 2.5D animation is a starting point for those who are new to 3D animation.
Is Whiteboard Animation in 3D Right for You?
Now you know how 3D animation services can enhance whiteboard video animation and how they may create it. It is time we reveal to you whether you should invest in 3D whiteboard animation or not. Such animation will suit you if:
- Your product or concept you want to showcase is essentially 3D.
- You want to come up with whiteboard animation with a unique and modern look.
- Your budget allows you to bear additional production costs and you have the time for production.
Ultimately, your specific needs and budget determine whether you should produce 3D whiteboard animation or not.
Before jumping to our conclusion, we shall briefly share with you the benefits of producing whiteboard animation for businesses.
Benefits of Whiteboard Video Animations
We have briefly mentioned below the benefits of producing whiteboard animations for businesses:
- Whiteboard video animations generate organic traffic on the websites of businesses with a reduction in their bounce rates.
- They are fascinating to watch, so they easily grab viewers’ attention.
- These videos are perfect for explaining complex products or services.
- Whiteboard explainer videos in the animated format build stronger bonds with the audience.
- Businesses can leverage these videos anywhere on their website product page, social media, etc.
- These videos have a high CTR (Click-through Rate) rate, so they help businesses win conversions.
- Whiteboard animations are trendy and highly shareable at the same time.
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The popularity of whiteboard videos has increased over the last decade, so businesses exploit them today. Moreover, whiteboard animations involve a drawing hand creating still images to illustrate what the voice-over says. 3D animation services can enhance the appeal of such animations with the production of whiteboard video animations in 3D. They may use depth and dimension or dynamic camera movement to create such videos. Exploiting 2.5D animation and 3D environment, animation experts may produce whiteboard videos with 3D-like effects. Animated whiteboard videos in 3D may suit your needs if your product is essentially 3D. Lastly, you may create such videos after parenting with 3D animation services to set your brand apart from the competition.